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Eat Before and After a Workout

This is the most common question that is searched on the internet. Especially for those who have just started their fitness journey and are confused about which foods to consume in order to make the most of their workout.

While the debate continues, there is no denying that the foods you consume before and after a workout do matter. Sugary foods and energy drinks before a workout may give you the boost you need for an intense workout, but the damage they can do to your body after a workout is twofold. This is why eating the right foods matters. It helps stabilize your energy levels during the workout and help in recovery and muscle maintenance after you’re done.

So, let’s get to it and break it down shall we.

Foods To Eat Before A Workout

Having the optimum level of energy before a workout can make you push harder and strive towards achieving your fitness goals. Whether it is for weight loss or building strength and immunity, the types of food you eat can help make all the difference.

But, first, let’s figure out why having the right foods before a workout is important. To start, they get your body ready for intense exercise. By improving your performance and mitigating the risks of muscle tear and injury, the results are sure to be worth it.

However, it is important to be mindful of the timings. You definitely don’t into eat a heavy meal a few minutes before your workout. A well-spaced-out time for a full meal containing carbs and protein is 2-3 hours. For those foods that are light on the stomach, 30-40 minutes should be enough. Remember this as a rule of thumb and you’re sure to get a hang of it right away!

Here are some of the foods you can consume 30-40 minutes before a workout.

  1. BananasFoods to Eat Before and After A Workout
  2. Oatmeal with berries
  3. Greek yogurt
  4. Trail mix
  5. Whey protein smoothie
  6. Fruit smoothies made with almond or oat milk and devoid of added sugar
  7. Whole grain bread with peanut or almond butter
  8. Brown rice with chicken or lean meat – this can be consumed 1-2 hours before working out
  9. Black coffee
  10. Boiled eggs

Foods To Eat After A Workout

Once you’re done with the workout, the endorphins have already started to get released. The rush of energy and strength is sure to leave you feeling hungry right away. This is the point where you want to stay clear of unhealthy foods such as processed carbs, sugary treats, and saturated fats.

No one wants their hard work and effort to go to waste, thus having the right foods after a workout is more important that what is consumed before. This is because they aid in muscle protein synthesis, boost the recovery period, restore glycogen stores in the body and decrease muscle breakdown. It’s the key element in making sure your body becomes toned and lean.

Some of the best post-workout foods are as follows.

  1. Chocolate milkFoods to Eat Before and After A Workout
  2. Baked salmon or tuna
  3. Grilled chicken with vegetables and brown rice
  4. Detox water – add ginger, cucumbers, and lemon to your water bottle
  5. Whey protein smoothie
  6. Quinoa
  7. Eggs
  8. Avocado with toast
  9. Whole-grain foods such as brown rice, barley, and millet
  10. Turkey wrap

What To Avoid After A Workout

While eating the right foods can boost metabolism, certain foods can pull you a step back and render your effort useless. There are some foods that you should stay clear of while working out and progressing on your fitness journey. These are as follows:

  1. Granola or protein bars that are packed with sugar
  2. Fatty foods such as burgers, hotdogs, or fries
  3. Energy drinks
  4. Processed and simple carbs such as white bread and pasta
  5. Raw vegetables – they’re not sufficient in the nutrients and calories needed for muscle repair

Tips To Avoid Binge-Eating After A Workout

We have all fallen victim to this. Eating whatever is available in front of us after we come home from the gym is a no-go zone, yet we succumb to it right away. To avoid this from happening, here are some tips you can follow.

  • Prepare your post-workout meal before leaving for your workout. This will prevent you from giving in to eating unhealthy foods.
  • Clear out your pantry of unhealthy and processed foods. Avoid buying them when you go for your next grocery trip as well. Instead load up on lean meats, fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts that can be easily consumed after your workout. In this way, you will not be distracted by the cupcakes kept on your kitchen counter.

Wrapping It Up

With these tips and steps at the back of your mind, you can now make the most of your workout routine right away. Start slow and gradually build up. If you don’t have a habit of eating before a workout, then consuming easily digestible and energy-boosting foods such as bananas or a handful of nuts can be a good start.

Listen to your body and make sure you eat a well-balanced meal throughout the day. This includes elements of all the food groups –carbohydrates, protein, fats, dairy, fruits, and vegetables. With a change in eating habits, you are sure to feel a substantial difference in your overall mood and health in just a matter of weeks! But, remember to stay consistent and not give up on your fitness journey. Persistence and perseverance are the way to go!

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