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Probiotic Food

In the busy and chaotic lifestyle that we all are entrapped in today, finding the time for self-care and improving your overall health has become a task of its own. From hearing and researching about various health products to trying to go organic, the effort only seems to last for a few days. After that, slipping back to the same old routine of binge eating and munching on junk food follows.

But, what if there was an effortless and simple way to boost immunity and reduce inflammation in your body? One that only requires one simple element – probiotics. They are essential building blocks that help improve your digestive function. And we all know how a healthy gut automatically translates to a healthy mindset, mood, and body. So, get started and add probiotic food to your daily diet and see the difference right away!

What Are Probiotics?

Live bacteria and yeasts – reading this might make you cringe and squirm a bit. Anything that consists of the word bacteria or yeast is sure to push people away. But, probiotics are good bacteria that are naturally found in your stomach. They help in breaking down food, getting rid of bad bacteria when consumed in large amounts, and improving overall immunity and health. These microorganisms are the boost you need to improve hormonal balance, absorption of nutrients and make you look and feel a lot younger!

Yes, that’s all probiotics are famously known to do for your body. And you’ve probably consumed it before without even realizing it. Did you know yogurt is packed with probiotics – no wonder it helps your stomach de-bloat and calm down after a spicy and heavy meal. But, there are other foods that contain probiotics as well. You need not consume probiotics via supplements – they can be found in many types of foods and drinks.

They are commonly found in fermented foods. Here are some probiotic foods that you can add to your diet.

  • Yogurtthis is probably lying in your refrigerator at the moment. Yogurt is an easily available form of probiotics. Add it to your daily snacks and top it with fruits and granola for a special boost.
  • Sauerkraut – If you love kimchi, you’ll develop a taste for sauerkraut as well.Probiotic food
  • Kefir – this fermented milk drink is brimming with probiotics. You can tell so just from its smell!
  • Kombucha – made from SCOBY (symbiotic cultures of bacteria and yeast) this fizzy and tangy drink is the perfect replacement for your coffee and soda. It is sure to give you an energy boost within minutes.
  • Kimchi – this mix of cabbage and spices is a favorite for many Korean food lovers. You can buy store-bought kimchi and add it to your meals.
  • Cheese – certain types of cheese contain probiotics as well. These include cottage cheese, gouda, mozzarella, and evensharp cheddar. Try to get your hands on the least processed types to optimize maximum benefits.
  • Pickles – they’re the standard element in burgers and dips. Pickles are a perfectly fermented product that can be added to almost anything. So don’t pick them out of your food the next time you sit down for a meal.

Adding Probiotic Foods to Your Diet

If you’re struggling to be mindful of your diet, then you can follow these few steps and tips to add probiotics to your diet.

Add Probiotic Foods To Your Breakfast

Start your day on a nutrient and probiotic packed note. Whether it is adding yogurt or kefir to your morning smoothie, or having a parfait topped with berries, probiotic intake on an empty stomach is the best way to cleanse your gut and make you feel lively and energetic all day.

Replace Your Snacks and Soda Cravings with Kombucha

If you have a habit of having a soda with every meal or snack, kombucha can help kick those cravings right out the door. The fizzy and tangy taste is the best way to satisfy your soda cravings. You can even consume flavored kombucha if you aren’t a big fan of its original taste.

Don’t Forget To Add The Prebiotics

To complement and give the live bacteria a boost, prebiotics are essential. They are the food that the microorganisms feed on to thrive, which in many cases is dietary fiber. You don’t want to eliminate them from the equation – they live together and die together.

Here are some of the prebiotic foods that go well with probiotic foods.

  • OatsProbiotic food
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Beans, lentils, and chickpeas
  • Fruits such as apples, grapefruit, and bananas
  • Barley based cereals
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Nuts such as almonds and pistachios

The Signs You Need To Up Your Probiotic Intake

If you’re not sure of whether you should increase your probiotic intake, then lookout for these signs.

  • The frequent and intense sugar cravings
  • Indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Bloating and discomfort in the gut
  • Skin flare-ups such as eczema or psoriasis
  • Leaky gut

The Key Takeaway

Finding probiotic foods is not hard. All you have to do is be aware of the right types of food that contain probiotics. And, the magic of probiotics is that they just don’t work when consumed orally. You can also apply it to your hair and skin. The microorganisms eat away dead skin cells – giving you a natural glow and improving cell turnover. The benefits are endless!!

So, grab probiotics and prebiotic foods on your grocery trip and watch your gut health and mood improve right away! It’s safe to give to children as well, however you might want to start in small quantities first to help the gut adjust to the potent culture and bacteria.

Top Probiotics to Take on a Daily Basis FAQ

What are Probiotics?

Live bacteria and yeasts – reading this might make you cringe and squirm a bit. Anything that consists of the word bacteria or yeast is sure to push people away. But, probiotics are good bacteria that are naturally found in your stomach. They help in breaking down food, getting rid of bad bacteria when consumed in large amounts, and improving overall immunity and health. These microorganisms are the boost you need to improve hormonal balance, absorption of nutrients and make you look and feel a lot younger!

What are foods that contain probiotics?

1. Yogurt 2. Sauerkraut 3. Kefir 4. Kombucha 5. Kimchi 6. Cheese 7. Pickles

What are prebiotic foods?

1. Oats 2. Green leafy vegetables 3. Beans 4. Apples 5. Garlic 6. Onion 7. Nuts

Signs your body needs probiotics

1. Frequent sugar cravings 2. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) 3. Bloating 4. Eczema

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