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Fruit is a delicious, ready-made snack from nature. It’s packed with fibers, vitamins, and other nutrients that support a healthy diet. Moreover, fruit is also low in calories, which means it can help you lose weight. In fact, eating fruit can reduce body weight and lower the risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. So, if you want to shed some pounds, read this article to learn about the best fruit for weight loss!

1. Apple

Apples are hands down one of the best fruit for weight loss. A large apple contains almost 116 calories and 5.4 grams of fiber. Thus, it’s a fruit rich in fiber and low in calories. 

Apples can support weight loss. For instance, in one study, women ate three pears, three oat cookies, or three apples every day for ten weeks. All the items had an equal number of calories. The results showed that women who had apples lost 0.91 kg, whereas women who had pears lost 0.84kg. However, the weight of the women from the oat group didn’t change. 

Apart from being a low-calorie fruit, apples are also quite filling. In fact, an apple is nearly three times as filling as a bar of chocolate. Thus, if you eat an apple, you might want to eat less of other foods during the day. 

Ideally, you should eat whole apples instead of juicing them. This is the best way to control your appetite and reduce hunger. However, there are several other ways to enjoy apples in both raw and cooked form. For example, you can add it to your cereal or salad. You can also bake apples on their own!

2. Avocado 

The next best fruit for weight loss is the avocado. It contains 5 grams of fiber and 120 calories. 

Avocados can reduce appetite and increase feelings of fullness. These factors can support your efforts to lose weight. 

According to one study, eating avocado regularly can help you maintain a healthy weight. The study participants who had a moderate weight at the start of the research gained less weight after 4 to 11 years compared to those who didn’t eat avocado regularly. 

3. Grapefruit Best fruit for weight loss

Grapefruit is a mix of an orange and a pomelo. It is generally associated with weight loss and dieting due to its low-calorie count. For example, half a grapefruit contains 39 calories. But it makes up 65% of the reference daily intake for vitamin C.

Moreover, grapefruit has a low glycemic index. This means it slowly releases sugar into your bloodstream. A low glycemic index can help you lose and maintain weight. 

A recent review showed that eating grapefruit reduced blood pressure, body fat, and waist circumference compared to control groups. 

While you can eat grapefruit on its own, it even makes an excellent addition to salads!

4. Berries

Berries are low-calorie nutritional powerhouses! 

For instance, half a cup of blueberries only has 42 calories. Yet it provides 12% of the reference daily intake for manganese and vitamin C. 

In addition, one cup of strawberries has less than 50 calories and 3 grams of dietary fiber. Plus, it makes up 150% of the reference daily intake for vitamin C. 

Berries are also very filling. One study showed that people who ate a 65-calorie berry snake ate less food at the next meal than those who ate candy with the same amount of calories. 

Eating berries can help decrease blood pressure, lower inflammation, and reduce cholesterol levels. This can be especially helpful for overweight people. 

You can add frozen or fresh berries to your yogurt or breakfast cereal. Plus, you can blend it in a smoothie, toss it into a salad, and mix it into baked items. 

5. Kiwi

Kiwis are small, brown fruits with bright yellow or green flesh and little black seeds. It is a great source of folate, vitamin E, vitamin C, and fiber and offers multiple health benefits. In fact, kiwi is one of the best fruit for weight loss. 

A study showed that prediabetic individuals who ate two golden kiwis every day for 12 weeks saw their waist circumference reduced by 1.2 inches. Their blood pressure also reduced, and vitamin C levels increased. 

Kiwi is sweet, soft, and delicious. You can eat it raw, unpeeled, or peeled. Plus, you can even juice it, add it to your breakfast cereal, or toss it in your salad.

6. Melons 

Melons have low calories and high water content. This makes them very weight-loss-friendly! For example, one cup of melon, such as watermelon or honeydew, provides 46 to 61 calories. Nevertheless, melons are rich in potassium, fiber, and antioxidants such as vitamin C. 

You can enjoy melons fresh or make melon balls to liven up a fruit salad. You can easily blend them into fruit smoothies or make fruit popsicles out of them. 

7. Oranges

Like other citrus fruits, oranges are low-calorie fruits and rich in fiber and vitamin C. They are also quite filling. In fact, oranges are four times more filling than a croissant and twice as filling as a muesli bar. 

A lot of people drink orange juice rather than eat orange slices. Studies show that eating whole fruits leads to less calorie intake and hunger but also increases the sense of fullness. 

Thus, if you wish to lose weight, it’s better that you eat oranges rather than have orange juice. You can eat the fruit alone or add it to your favorite dessert or salad. 

Last Few WordsBest fruit for weight loss

Fruit is a vital element of a healthy diet. They can be a great aid to reach or maintain a healthy weight. 

Keep in mind that every fruit offers health benefits. However, the best fruit for weight loss listed in this article might be better than others to feel satiated. They are low in calories and rich in fiber and nutrients, which boosts your fullness. 

Also, remember that it’s best to eat whole fruits instead of drinking juices. Nevertheless, just eating fruit isn’t the key to weight loss. Rather, you should aim for a nutritious, whole-food-based diet along with physical activity. 

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