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Carnivore Diet

Are you a meat lover? Do you contemplate eating meat all the time? Be it steaks, lean cuts, BBQ’D short ribs, and burger patties, for someone who enjoys meat, having these items on the plate every day is like having hit the jackpot. While it may have its benefits of making you lose weight and prevent your blood sugar levels to spike, it can come with a list of potential losses to your body.

What Is The Carnivore Diet?

Just as the name suggests, a carnivore diet is packed with animal products and meat. Unlike the keto diet where carbs are taken in a limited amount, here the presence of carbs entering your system is almost nil. The science behind it is simple. Carbohydrates are the body’s energy source – when consumed they turn to glucose. If your level of physical activity isn’t substantial enough to burn it off, your body can turn it into fat, thus making you gain weight. In the carnivore diet, the elimination of carbs thus prevents the risk of blood sugar spikes and can aid in weight loss. It is the new diet plan on the block that many are seeking to get onto.

If you’re thinking of doing so because you’re a meat-lover and can’t get enough of steak and lean meats, then you might want to do your thorough research first. Weighing in the pros and cons before beginning can help give you an in-depth perspective on what your body type is and whether feeding it too much meat is sustainable.

The Pros

The carnivore diet can’t all be that bad. Our ancestors were big fans of it and they had high survival skills and body strength. Let’s talk about some of its benefits and if it can help optimize bodily functions.

Aids In Weight Loss

The high intake of protein from meat can help keep you full for longer. As a result, the tendency to binge eat or overeat is reduced. As fewer calories are consumed, the kick start to losing weight begins.

It’s Free Of Unhealthy High-Carb Foods

If you wish to break your bad habit of eating sugary foods, drinking a can of soda every day, or munching on a bag of chips every night, then the carnivore diet can be your way out of this spiral. Since this diet requires the elimination of carbs and sugar, it can help stabilize your hormones and prevent your skin from flaring up every now and then.

The Cons

You’ve probably figured out where this article is heading. With minimal benefits, the list of drawbacks is sure to be extensive. Here are some of the cons of the carnivore diet

It’s Not Sustainable

Let’s face it, you can keep eating meat and animal products all your life. There will come a point where your body will require elements from the other food groups. And, chances are that when you do switch back to eating carbs again, your body may gain weight in an attempt to store the energy needed for future use.

It’s Devoid of Essential Nutrients

With fruits and vegetables off the table, the deterioration of your skin, muscles, and hair is sure to follow. The micronutrients that your body sustains itself on are important for staying fit and regulating hormones. They help prevent diseases and certain types of cancer. So, you definitely don’t want to undergo a nutrient deficiency and deprive your body of the antioxidants it needs.

It Does Not Provide the Body With Fiber

Fiber is important for maintaining your gut health and keeping your digestive system in place. The carnivore diet seeks to eliminate this component as well. As a result, the chances of you developing constipation are high. All in all, it can cause harm to your gut, which in turn can impact your mood, hormones, and overall health.

Foods You Can Eat On The Carnivore DietCarnivore Diet

Here are some of the foods that can be consumed in abundance while following the carnivore diet.

  • Meat – all types of meat including beef, chicken, turkey, duck, lamb, etc.
  • Water – be sure to keep yourself hydrated at all times
  • Fish
  • Animal products – egg, bone broth, bone marrow, etc.
  • Dairy that is low in lactose – butter, heavy cream, hard cheese, etc.

Foods You Cannot Eat On The Carnivore Diet

Here is what you need to avoid while being on the carnivore diet.

  • All Fruits – unlike keto, here you can’t consume berries as well.
  • Vegetables – say goodbye to salads and green beans during your dinner
  • Dairy that is high in lactose – probiotics such as yogurt, soft cheese, and milk are a no-go zone.
  • Beverages other than water such as tea and coffee
  • Legumes and beans
  • Alcohol
  • All types of food containing sugar (including brown sugar and maple syrup).
  • All types of grains – this goes for rice, bread, quinoa, oats, and even pasta.
  • Nuts

This list is pretty exhaustive. The amount of food that’s you can’t consume on the carnivore diet is packed with nutrients and essential minerals. If you think depriving your body of these essential building blocks is worth it, then you can leap and fulfill your meat cravings for the short run.

The Bottom Carnivore Diet

With your questions answered, you can now keep yourself safe from the added drawbacks of a carnivore diet. Having a well-balanced diet is the way to go! From the consumption of carbs, fat, protein, dairy, fruits, and vegetables, a wide range of benefits are generated. This is what you want to focus on. So, have your meat in sustainable portions and enjoy them with a side of vegetables and grains – this is surely the right way to go.


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