Most exercises require you to either sit, stand, or lie down to get the best results in an hour-long workout, but arms and abs can benefit from 20-minute workouts in a…
Interval Running There are many ways to train with interval running today. I’m going to explain one routine for individuals who are just getting back into the running scene or…
Dumbbell Yoga Workout for Muscles Yoga workouts may not be for everyone because some prefer intense muscle training over flexibility and balance. However, for those who want to make the…
Walk Jog Workout Walking can be an hour-long workout if you have the time for it. But if you are a busy individual and 20 minutes is all you can…
Strength Training Challenging Workout Session for Strength and Power Have you ever tried contrast training to stay fit and healthy? If you haven’t, here’s a workout that can help you…
Breath-Based Workout Are you getting bored with long and breathless workouts? We have the cure to your problem right here! You can try breath-based interval training workouts to keep your…