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When it comes to eating foods that are healthy, many people find themselves in a tough spot. Especially if they have a sweet tooth or give in to their cravings for a few slices of pizza after a long day of work. Eating clean is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea. However, those who cut through the ropes and settle down on a healthy meal plan in their daily life are often looked up to by others. They look healthier, happier, and more energetic. They’re practically flying all over the place getting things done in half the time and still manage to do most things people struggle with at the end of the day.

So, if you have found yourself in the former category and wish to transform your eating habits for the better, then you need not worry. You have come to the right place! Here are some tips that experts recommend on how to kick start your healthy eating habits. By the end of it, you’ll be rushing to the grocery store to stock up on loads of fruits and vegetables, that’s for sure!

But first, let’s talk a bit about why eating clean is so important. This is something that has been often reiterated by your parents and doctor as well. Eating clean consists of an array of aspects. It includes following a well-balanced diet throughout the day. What is this exactly? Well, it is eating food from all 5 food groups i.e. carbohydrates, proteins, fats, dairy, fruits, and vegetables.

A well-balanced meal consists of a small portion of each of these elements to make you feel full and energetic for longer. It does not only regulate your sugar levels but prevents certain diseases such as cancer, obesity and diabetes. For many people who have a family history of heart problems, eating clean has helped cut down the risks. So, how can you develop a habit of eating clean? Read ahead to find out.

Be Mindful

To start, be proactive about what you eat. While sitting down to eat, observe what’s on your plate. Does it contain a bit of everything that makes up a well-balanced diet? If not, which element is missing? Ask yourself these questions. This will not only help you cut down on unhealthy foods but help you form the habit of prepping your meals from before while considering all food groups. .

Ditch The Junk Food

It’s time to get rid of all the junk food in your pantry. Conduct a deep cleanse of your kitchen and cupboards. Leave no trace of sugary foods behind. Even the can of sodas kept away at the back of the refrigerator needs to go right away! If you remove all temptations from your kitchen, you’re bound to slowly and gradually get rid of your sweet tooth and habit of binge eating a packet of chips at the end of the day!

Chemicals found in Fast Food

Interesting Facts about Common Chemicals found in Fast Food





Snack Healthy

Replace all your unhealthy snacks with those that have a lower calorie count but taste good at the same time. Try out nuts, seeds, popcorn, or even fruits. Here is a pro tip for eating fruits – precut them and keep them in your refrigerator. If they’re cut, they’re sure to be consumed instead of lying around and going bad.

In addition, you can find alternatives to satisfy your cravings for sweets. Keep a bar of dark chocolate handy at all times. You may find it hard to adapt to the bitter taste at first, but once you acquire the palette for it, you’ll be snacking on it all the time. Another great on-the-go snack is guacamole or hummus with some tortilla chips, pretzels, or fresh veggie sticks. They prepackage these items at your local wholesale store or you can meal prep them at the beginning of the week and grab and go every day. I always have a mini lynch cooler with me when I leave the house, so when I get hungry, I do not veer away towards stopping at a gas station or a fast food joint to grab a quick bite. 

Clean snacks

My favorite snack is chips or veggie sticks with guacamole or hummus

Set Up a Meal Plan

Chart out a meal plan at the end of every week. If you can, meal prep from before as well. This will prevent you from ordering a box of pizza on the days that you come home late from work and don’t have the energy to cook up a healthy meal in the kitchen. You can even get in touch with a nutritionist that can guide you better on what foods to consume based only on your Body Mass Index. If doing this at first seems a bit hard, slow down and learn how to find your way through it. Try to get  your family members or roommates on board to give each other the support and encouragement towards eating clean.

It’s Okay to Slip Up

In addition, it is important to remember that it’s okay to eat some of your favorite fast foods as well. When you’re with your friends or at a party, having a hamburger or munching on some chips is part of enjoying the moment. You do not want to devoid yourself of that and go cold turkey. What is important here is to stick to the balance and eat in portions. Don’t overdo it and be mindful of going back to eating clean again the following day. This will ensure your energy levels are not compromised and your overall mental and physical health is on the right track.

The Final Verdict

Eating clean comes with its struggles. However, the end goal is definitely worth it. What matters here is that you stay consistent and let your body adjust to the process. There will be a lot of bumps along the way and you may find yourself cheating on your routine every now and then. That’s okay as long as you revert to eating healthy foods that are packed with the essential nutrients that your body needs.

Remember to stay focused, proactive and determined! It’s what will help make your journey easier. In addition, keep track of your weight, skin, mood, and energy levels as well. You’re sure to improve a significant difference in the first few weeks. So, what are you waiting for? Get down to it right away!


Eating clean

Baked Orange Chicken with Broccoli

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