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What to Eat When Pregnant

Looking for healthy foods to eat when pregnant? Well, the list can be never-ending. If this is your first pregnancy, chances are that you are already panicking about what foods to eat and what to avoid. Well, you need not worry. We are here to help you out.

In this article, you are sure to clear your confusion regarding what to eat out of the way. In addition, certain foods require you to stay clear until your baby has arrived. To learn more about what to eat and what not to eat when pregnant, read ahead.

Foods To Eat When Pregnant

There is a wide list of foods that can be consumed when pregnant. Healthy foods are sure to be on the list. Here are some of the most nutritious and vitamin-rich foods to add to your diet when pregnant.


We all know eggs are a great source of protein. They can keep you full for longer and help balance out your insulin levels. Thus, making it the ideal food to have when you are pregnant. If you are unable to keep eggs down early in the morning, try to add them to your meals during lunch, have them as a snack in the evening. However, make sure the egg is fully cooked before you consume it.

Lean Meat & Protein

High-quality meats are an integral part of a pregnant person’s diet. They help in the production of hemoglobin in the blood and improve your iron levels. This is exactly what you need for your body to increase its production of blood. Just make sure the meat is fresh and thoroughly cooked.


Rich in antioxidants, these power fruits are what you need to keep you glowing while pregnant. They are also low in terms of glycemic index, thus helping your insulin levels stay stable. Add goji berries, strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries to your yogurt and smoothies for an extra kick.

Fish Liver Oil

Fish liver is loaded with EPA and DHA, both are which are ideal for healthy eye and brain development. This is a must-have on your list of healthy foods to eat when pregnant. However, be mindful of the form of fish liver oil that you consume. You want to take it in the form of supplements that have been FDA approved to avoid any complications.

Nuts and seedsThe Guide to Eating While Pregnant

These healthy food items are loaded with Omega 3 fatty acids, magnesium, folate, and fiber. They have also been proven to help with the neurological development of the baby. Consume them in portions if you are not allergic to nuts to keep yourself full and satiated.

Food To Avoid When Pregnant

With what to eat out of the way, let’s have a look at the foods that should be avoided.

Processed Meats & Unpasteurized Milk Products

Avoid salami, ready-to-eat meats, parma ham, pepperoni, and smoked fish. This is because these foods have the risk of containing listeria, or parasites that cause toxoplasmosis. Similarly, unpasteurized milk and its products can be harmful as well. Instead, make sure the milk being consumed is UHT treated and bacteria-free.

Uncooked Fish

Sushi is a no-go zone when pregnant. The same goes for uncooked seafood that is high in mercury such as swordfish, broadbill and shark. Raw shellfish, clams, oysters, and mussels add to the list as well. This is because of the high risk of listeria contamination. Instead, you can enjoy baked salmon, cod, or pollack. These are options that are safe to consume when pregnant.

Pineapples & Papayas

Though papayas can be a healthy fruit to consume, having it while pregnant can be risky. Unripe papaya can induce contractions in the uterus and lead to early labor. The same goes for pineapples as well. Thus, it is better to avoid these foods entirely. Also, most women face allergic reactions to these fruits when pregnant as well.

Blue Cheese

Having certain types of cheese can be harmful to your baby. This includes soft goat’s cheese, gorgonzola, and blue cheese. They too have the possible risk of containing listeria that can harm the healthy development of your baby. Instead, you can eat hard cheese. Cheddar, parmesan, and halloumi can be consumed to your liking when pregnant.


We all know how alcohol is a banned beverage while you are pregnant. If you are wondering why this is so, well, the answer is quite simple. Alcohol is known to harm the development of the baby’s brain and organs. It can also lead to miscarriage, premature birth for the baby, and low weight at birth.

Tips On How To Eat Healthy When PregnantThe Guide to Eating While Pregnant

  • Read package labels before consuming any product.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly.
  • Follow a well-balanced diet that contains protein, carbs, fats, dairy, fruits, and vegetables. Get in touch with a certified nutritionist to guide you better.
  • Be mindful of what you eat. Try having healthy snacks such as nuts and seeds instead of processed sweets and crisps.
  • Check all types of meat and fish before consuming to make sure it is fresh and thoroughly cooked.
  • Increase your intake of water. Staying hydrated is vital during pregnancy.
  • Take supplements alongside your meals. Seek advice from your gynecologist regarding this. Also, remember that supplements are not meant to be taken as meal replacements, but rather support healthy absorption of nutrients from what you eat.
  • Satisfy your sugar and processed foods craving in portions.
  • Practice prenatal yoga or engage in physical activity as per your gynecologist’s advice.

The Bottom Line

Being pregnant can be a beautiful time in one’s life. And to make it even better, eating the right foods can help. By following the tips provided here and eating healthy and nutritious foods, you can ensure you and your developing baby are healthy and happy as well.

For more guidance and information, you can speak to your gynecologist or nutritionist.

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