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Are you guilty of downplaying the importance of good food and cooking for your family? 

You’re not alone. Busy schedules and the comfort of takeout food spoil us. The convenience of microwavable meals and five-minute recipes have taken over our lives.

However, nothing compares to the taste and goodness of homemade meals. Also, experts say that cooking together allows you to “put much more than healthy food on the table.” It’s the perfect combo of quality family time and healthy life choices. 

Our article shows you why cooking for your family (and with them) matters. 

The Stats: The Importance of Cooking for Your Family 

The pandemic brought families together. They did not only eat together, but many families shared cooking duties too. Consequently, the increase in quality family time and good food habits caused a positive change in lives. 

When a survey asked, “why do families cook at home?” three benefits emerged. 

Have a look:

  • 67% of American families noticed that cooking at home helped them save money 
  • More than half of respondents considered eating healthier a big reason for this change 
  • 56% of families said cooking together felt good

Overall, cooking homemade meals became a stress-free activity. As a result, families stopped chasing food trends and started savoring good food. Moreover, these habits were lighter on the wallet. 

Good food

We can show you how choosing convenience over good food isn’t challenging. The right mindset and supportive family can result in positive changes. Plus, who wouldn’t want to enjoy the benefits home cooking brings. 

Still, think it’s an inconvenience? We share family secrets that can change your mind. 

Here’s how the importance of cooking for your family enhances health and wellness:

Fixed Budget Planning FTW

An article on Forbes states that most families spend  5x more on restaurants than home cooking. Can you imagine how much you can save by breaking the habit? You can save hundreds and thousands of dollars through this change. 

That’s because cooking at home makes you self-aware and conscious of your food choices. Additionally, discussing grocery lists during family meetings can help. Everyone can talk about what they want instead of bulk purchases. That way, you won’t have excess leftovers and rotten food at the end of the month. 

Also, you save money by: 

  • Keeping a good check and balance of pantry products 
  • Preparing home-cooked meals means less money spent on vending machines/deliveries at work and school 
  • Minimizing food wastage becomes easier 
  • Making a  grocery list together reduces the risk of unwanted purchases 
  • Sharing meal prep duty can make everyone mindful of how much they spend on food

In addition to this, you can cut back on takeouts and food deliveries. Consequently, this chance can help you save more. 

Home Cooking Tip

A magnetic, erasable whiteboard can simplify meal planning at home. You can discuss weekly family menus. If you change plans, you can leave a message.  That way, everyone will stay on track, and overspending won’t be an issue.

Build Healthy Habits  

The importance of cooking for your family includes healthy food choices. Once you have a fixed budget, you can increase nutrient-rich items to the grocery list. Or choose natural supplements to support wellness. 

Besides buying fresh and local food, here are some other tips for your healthy meal plans: 

  • Bake homemade granola on weekends as its far more fulfilling than sugary cereals 
  • Dedicate each day of the week to a different protein and plant-band ingredient 
  • Slice and dice fruit together for salads, fresh juices, and milkshakes on the weekends 
  • Explore new ingredients and healthy food resources 
  • Switch carb-filled snacks by stocking fruits, veggie, yogurt and other plant-powered food sources 

The possibilities are endless here. 

Home Cooking TipGood food

If you are on a diet, you can use a calorie tracking app to monitor your eating habits. You can also serve good food in portions for healthy weight management. 

Make Good Food Memories with Little Ones

Remember the good old days? 

A time when grandma and mom baked sugar cookies and you iced them. Alternatively, you may have started cooking in college—where rookie mistakes led to laughter. As you can see, cooking can bring a lot of joy to our lives. 

You can turn fussy eaters into food lovers by introducing good food to younger kids. It gives them a chance to “explore food” and taste test ingredients. Then form personal opinions about the dish. Plus, giving them creative freedom can get rid of fast food dreams. 

Moreover, families can share cultural heritage through food. You can make mealtime storytime to talk about traditions and tastes that make you unique. 

Home Cooking Tip

Make meal prep fun with cute matching aprons for you and tiny chefs. Dressing up and having kid-sized utensils adds to the excitement. 

Ready to Make Good Food and New Family Traditions? 

In the end, the importance of cooking for your family outranks other obligations. Having more control of the kitchen leads to several benefits. It allows you to manage your budget, calories, and food waste. Also, you get to spend more time with loved ones. Consequently, these moments improve your family’s emotional and mental wellbeing. 

Fortunately, you can change meal planning/prepping habits with the right kitchen utensils. Also, you will need to encourage everyone to participate.  Asking your family’s opinion and investing in kid-safe kitchenware can result in good progress. We suggest making family cookouts and cook-ins a weekend thing first.

After that, you can make it a regular thing if everyone has time to cook and chat. 

Happy Cooking!

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