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Most exercises require you to either sit, stand, or lie down to get the best results in an hour-long workout, but arms and abs can benefit from 20-minute workouts in a half-kneeling position. Chances are, you have never heard of a half-kneeling position for exercising if you are an absolute beginner. However, this position is best for people who do not want to hurt their backs during intense training. You can benefit from a half-kneeling position to do an arms and ab workout while lowering your center of mass. 

You can do 12-15 reps of each exercise in one circuit, repeat it three times, and do the same for the second circuit. The exercises include half-kneeling shoulder press, bent-over row, and wood chop for the first circuit. Half-kneeling biceps curl, overhead triceps extension, and halo are included in the second circuit.

Please check out this article for more health tips.

Healthy New Year’s Resolutions for a Better Life

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