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Importance of Water

Have you been struggling to drink a sufficient amount of water during the day? Do you reach for the can of soda instead of water? If you have answered yes to these questions, then it’s time to turn your lifestyle around. The importance of water is often overlooked. For many people, drinking 1-2 glasses of water a day seems to be enough. In reality, this amount is far less than the recommended intake.

The Importance of Water

You’ve probably heard this from your general physician several times, to increase your intake of water. While you initially agree and consume a few extra glasses of water for a few days, chances are you never turn it into a habit. The recommended water intake for men during the day is 3.7 liters of 15.5 glasses. For women, on the other hand, the intake is at 2.7 liters or 11 glasses a day. This is the ideal amount of fluid intake that the body requires for the normal functioning of the organs.

Here are some of the reasons why the importance of water cannot be ignored.

Gives You a Boost in Energy

Water helps transfer oxygen, nutrients, and minerals to the cells in our body. Thus, giving us an instant boost in energy. If you are feeling drained out or exhausted, have a glass of water and see the difference it makes in a matter of seconds.

Aids in Weight Loss

Water keeps you full and prevents you from binge eating. It has zero calories and helps in the burning of calories as you exercise. Be sure to load up before an intense workout to get the maximum benefits and desired results from your hard work.

Detoxifies the Body

Getting rid of toxins from the body requires the presence of water. By frequently urinating, your body is able to remove the unwanted toxins. It is the perfect way to detoxify your body and keep your kidney healthy.

Essential for Cognitive Functioning

To keep your brain alert and active at all times, water is essential. It helps prevent brain fog and can reduce the chances of developing short-term memory loss. There have been several studies that have been conducted, linking inadequate intake of water with loss in focus and alertness.

Helps Regulate Body Temperature

When the body is hydrated, it can regulate the body’s temperature in an ideal manner. This prevents your body from heating up too quickly and helps the body cool down after strenuous activity. In addition, being hydrated also regulates electrolytes and plasma levels in the body.

Keeps Your Skin Hydrated and Fresh

If you are experiencing dull and lifeless skin, chances are you are dehydrated. By not having enough water, the process of aging is sure to pick up momentum. Thus, it is important to drink enough water to keep those wrinkles at bay and save up on the costs for Botox later on.

Keeps Bones and Joints Functioning in a Healthy Manner

Water helps keep your joints lubricated and reduces friction. If you are experiencing knee pain, chances are your joints are lacking lubrication and require water. This is why water is an important means of preventing arthritis and osteoporosis as you age.

Tips on How to Drink More Water

If you are struggling to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day, then there are a few tips that you can follow to kick start the habit. Here are some of them.

  • Figure out your water needs. If you have an active lifestyle, be sure to drink a little more than the recommended fluid intake.
  • Try out flavored water – add lemon, mint leaves, ginger and berries to your water bottle and let it sit overnight. Aim to drink it all the following day.
  • Carry a water bottle with you wherever you go. Invest in a durable and sturdy bottle that is easy to carry and spill-free.
  • Time yourself and set reminders– you can set times for drinking water. Space out the intervals throughout the day and drink up! There are a number of apps that you can download on your smartphone for this.
  • Hydrate yourself first thing in the morning. Skip the coffee and have a glass of warm water when you wake up. This is sure to get your body ready for the day!

Signs Your Body Needs Water

There may be times when you may be so engrossed in your work that you ignore the signals your body is giving you. There are some indicators that you can look out for that scream dehydration in your body. If you observe any of these, make sure to drink water right away. The importance of water is something you should not take lightly.

  • Difficulty in concentrating. Brain fog and headaches are common signs of dehydration
  • Fatigue and muscle soreness
  • Dry cottonmouth
  • Irritability in mood
  • Dry skin and hair
  • Cravings for sugary and salty foods
  • Imbalanced digestion and constipation
  • Dizziness and vertigo
  • Dark-colored urine

The Key Takeaway

Your body survives on water. Without it, the normal functioning of your body falls to the wayside. As a result, a range of health concerns come into play. From skin-related problems to low blood pressure and more, all add to the list making it difficult to execute daily chores and tasks. So, be wary of your water intake and follow the tips provided to get your water consumption up. Share this article with a friend or family member whose intake of soda is more than water, this should be an eye-opener for them and help them quit the bad habit for sure!

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