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Interval Running

Interval Running

There are many ways to train with interval running today. I’m going to explain one routine for individuals who are just getting back into the running scene or just starting to run for the first time. This routine is guaranteed to help you lose fat quick and build endurance. Follow these steps to give yourself the ultimate running experience in interval running.

Warm up: Starting Point

First, warm up the body. I recommend a brisk walk with light stretching. The point of this method is to get your blood flowing through the muscles, and warm up the joints before starting your run. This routine is for beginners, and it will be very challenging at first, but you can do it! While warming up, set a goal for yourself. For example: if you want to run for 20 minutes, try 1 minute of running at a consistent pace, and then 1 minute of walking to lower your heart rate. Repeat countinuosly until the 20 minutes is up. You will end up running a total of 10 minutes, with a walking time of 10 minutes in total.


Studies show that interval training can burn up to 40% more fat than tradition running. When you have mastered the 1 minute run:1 minute walk for 20 minutes, up your game to 30 minutes of running the 1 minute run:1 minute walk interval. Once you’ve mastered that, switch your time up and try 2 minutes running: 1 minute of walking.

Keep Track of Heart Rate

One of the best ways to know you are ready to move up to a different interval is to keep track of your heart rate while running and walking. When you start with the 1 minute run:1 minute walk ratio, do not let your heart rate go above 150 bpm (beats per minute) during the run, with this technique, you will be burning more muscle than fat. When you begin to walk, your heart rate should go down to around 100 bpm, before starting the next interval. If not, you are not ready to go up to 2 and 1 ratio. Do what you feel is comfortable for yourself. Remember that progression is not linear. Take everything in moderation.

Stay Consistant

It is so important to stay at a consistent pace while running. The more intervals you run, the more fat you will burn. Everyone’s body is different, so if you do this run twice a week for one month, you should see changes to your physique. The longer you stay with it, the more changes you will notice. It is up to you on what goals you want to set for yourself.

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