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Testosterone is a sex hormone that’s associated with males. It allows men to maintain and increase: 

  • muscle mass 
  • bone density 
  • sexual features 
  • sense of well-being 
  • reproductive function 

Low testosterone in men is a common condition that affects almost 40% of men aged 45 and above. It occurs when the male reproductive glands don’t produce enough testosterone. This condition can have many causes, including: 

  • Radiation or chemotherapy cancer treatments. 
  • Medications, including corticosteroids and opiate pain relief. 
  • Drug and alcohol abuse. 
  • Genetic conditions, such as Klinefelter syndrome. 

In this article, we will look at common symptoms of low testosterone in men. We will also explore some natural ways to boost it. 

Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Men 

Let’s first look at the signs indicating low testosterone levels in men. 

1. Reduced Sex Drive

Testosterone plays a key role in a male’s sex drive. Certain men might experience reduced sex drive as they age. Plus, low testosterone in men can result in a significant decrease in their desire to have sex. 

2. Loss of Muscle Mass

Testosterone is important for building muscle. Thus, males with low levels of this hormone might experience a reduction in muscle mass. Keep in mind that testosterone can decrease muscle mass. But a good thing is it doesn’t always reduce the strength and function of muscles. 

3. Higher Levels of Body Fat 

Low testosterone in men can also result in higher levels of body fat. In fact, some men might develop conditions such as gynecomastia or enlarged breast tissue. This can be due to an imbalance between estrogen and testosterone within men. 

4. Decrease in Energy Levels

Men with low testosterone have reported high fatigue and a decline in energy levels. Thus, if you have low testosterone, you might have a reduced interest in movement or exercise or feel tired. This might be true even after you have had enough rest. 

5. Hair Loss

Testosterone plays a role in many body functions, such as hair production. Losing hair is a natural part of growing old for several men. But men with low testosterone might also experience a loss of facial and body hair. 

6. Mood Swings

Some evidence states that men with low testosterone are likely to experience depression. They might even experience irritability and lack of focus. For instance, one review showed that testosterone replacement therapy improved symptoms of depression. In addition, this therapy even enhances the quality of life in men with low testosterone levels. 

7. Problems SleepingLow Testosterone

Men with low testosterone might find it challenging to stay or fall asleep. Low levels of testosterone are common in men who are experiencing sleep apnea. This disorder causes a person to stop breathing for a short while, which can disrupt sleep. 

8. Reduced Semen Volume 

Semen is the fluid that makes up most of the male ejaculate. This fluid facilitates the movement of the sperm towards the egg. Testosterone stimulates the production of semen. Hence, lower semen levels can signal low testosterone in men. In addition, it can even cause fertility problems. 

Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone 

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, don’t stress too much. Here are some natural ways to increase testosterone levels in your body. 

1. Exercise More

Exercise is one of the most effective ways to prevent many lifestyle-related diseases. What’s interesting is that it can also increase your testosterone. For example, a review revealed that individuals who exercised often had higher levels of testosterone. In the elderly, exercise improves fitness, reaction time, and testosterone levels. Resistance training, such as weight-lifting, is the best exercise to increase testosterone. 

2. Lose Weight 

Research shows that men with higher weight have lower levels of testosterone. A study evaluated some obese males between 14 to 20 years of age. It found that these males have almost 50% less testosterone than those who are not overweight. 

3. Increase Protein Consumption 

Chicken, eggs, fish, and lean beef are some of your options to increase protein consumption. Seeds, nuts, and tofu contain protein as well. You should aim to get almost 5 to 6 ounces of protein daily. Still, the perfect amount depends on your activity levels and age. 

When you don’t eat enough of these foods, your body makes more of a substance that combines with testosterone. This leaves you with lower levels of testosterone available to perform its job. 

4. Get Enough Sleep 

Lack of sleep can negatively affect the chemicals and hormones you need to function. This includes testosterone.

A study revealed that testosterone levels could fall in men who don’t get enough sleep. Hence, you can maintain appropriate testosterone levels by prioritizing your sleep. You should aim to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. If you’re not able to get good-quality sleep, you should get a white noise machine. You should also speak to your doctor. 

5. Reduce Your Alcohol and Drugs Consumption 

Abuse of alcohol and drugs can lead to low testosterone in men. In fact, it takes only five days of regular drinking for your testosterone levels to decrease. Moreover, alcohol can throw off a lot of parts of your body’s hormone system. For example, people who drink a lot can experience thin beard and chest hair. They can even experience shrunken testes and increased estrogen. 

This is even supported by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. They state that drinking alcohol impacts the male reproductive hormones and glands. 

Last Few WordsLow Testosterone

Men with testosterone levels below 300 mg/dL might experience these symptoms.

If you have low testosterone, you can use a couple of natural ways to increase it. For instance, you can exercise more, eat a healthy diet, and sleep well. Moreover, you can even lose weight and reduce your alcohol intake.

But, if none of this helps, you should visit your doctor. They can conduct a blood test and recommend treatment if required. In addition, they can talk about the advantages and risks of testosterone medication.

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