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Mental health is directly linked to what you eat. We have all heard this and have been advised time and time again to eat healthy by everyone around us. This perspective has also been brought to light by many dieticians and health experts. Even therapists advise their clients to improve their diet and eat healthy in order to improve their mental health and experience a boost in happy hormones.

So, if you’re wondering how exactly healthy eating and your mental health go hand in hand, what is the process that works in the background, and what is causing your stress and anxiety levels to spike, then you need not worry. You have come to the right place!

Here is a breakdown of how this process works and how you can incorporate a healthy diet into your lifestyle starting today. You need to get started right away and not delay it any longer. Read ahead to learn more about how to keep yourself and your family members smiling and energized all the time.

How Does It Work? The Science Behind It

Think of the human body as a multifarious and dynamic machine. It has different parts i.e. the organs which work together in harmony to help you fulfill everyday tasks. Be it walking, studying, or being proactive and productive at work, your body needs the energy to do it all.

This energy comes from food that is consumed. However, the nutrients in food also contribute to our mental health. How is this Mental Health & Your Dietso? Well, the study of psycho nutrition has contributed greatly towards understanding this. It seeks to understand the relationship between the mind and the food that is consumed. How does the food we eat impact our mind and cognitive choices and how can we improve our mental wellbeing through nutrition? Psychonutrition is the answer to all these queries.

In the simplest terms, what you eat impacts your hippocampus. This is a vital part of the brain which is responsible for learning and retaining memories. Not only this, but it also aids in the generation of emotions and neurons. This process is known as neurogenesis which is linked to stabilizing mood and human cognitive development.

Hence, during periods of stress and anxiety, the process of neurogenesis slows down. To help start it back up and revive the production of neuron regeneration, eating healthy foods is the way to go. Foods that are low in sugar and fats can regulate the production of neurons and bring down stress and anxiety levels.

This is what you want to focus on when you feel frustrated, stressed out, or anxious. Eat healthy foods and watch yourself get back on track in a short span of time. By doing so, you’ll watch yourself say goodbye to those antidepressant pills in no time!

Check out the Foods Below to Boost a Healthy, Mind Set to Start Your Day

So, now that you know how a happy gut leads to a happy mind, here are some super mood booster foods you can add to your daily routine. Eating a well-balanced diet is the key to improving your mental health via your diet, so reach out to a professional nutritionist or add the following items to what you eat.

  • Probiotic-rich foods – Probiotics help release serotonin; the happy hormone which helps stabilize moods and emotions. It’sMental Health & Your Dietfound in yogurt, kefir, kombucha, leafy green vegetables, and cheese, all of which are easily available at your nearest grocery store
  • Omega 3 fatty acids – This helps protect the brain and improve brain functioning to ensure your body stays overall healthy and alert. Try out salmon, nuts, and flaxseeds for this, but, remember to eat it in moderation
  • Fruits – All fruits are known to be mood boosters but bananas are the super fruit here. They help produce tryptophan, an amino acid that helps produce serotonin. This helps regulate sleep patterns
  • Increase intake of protein – proteins release amino acids which the brain uses to regulate mood. Add legumes, fish, lean meat, and eggs to your meals
  • Fiber-rich grains – This includes barley, quinoa, and steel-cut oats which help you stay full for longer and release energy slowly throughout the day

Moreover, it’s best to quit unhealthy eating habits as well. It may be difficult at the start, but, once you get the hang of it, your mind and your body both will thank you. Try to quit food items high in artificial sugars and fat. Fried food, processed meats and grains, and junk food should be gradually reduced from your diet as well. They aid in increasing anxiety by making your blood sugar levels rise and fall at erratic levels, bringing a spike and fall in your energy levels as well. You definitely don’t want this for yourself.

So, What Is It Going to Be?

A happy gut and a happy heart and brain are what everyone seeks to achieve. And the fastest and easiest way to improve your outlook on life and regulate your mood and sleep patterns is to eat healthily! Eating a well-balanced diet that includes dairy, protein, fats, carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables is essential. Also, don’t forget to keep yourself well hydrated. Load up on your water intake as well to get the best out of what you eat.

Start today and see the difference it makes in your life in no time! Improve your mental health via your diet today. Pass this article forward to a friend or a family member who might be able to benefit from eating right as well. Mental health is important in the fast-paced world today, and everyone can use these tips. These helpful go to hints can help you stay focused and strive for more goals in a positive manner.

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Nutrition with Wellness