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Arthritis comes in many forms, but all of them are painful. Although there is no cure, you can use several natural remedies to help with arthritis. These home treatment options can help manage the symptoms and relieve the pain to some extent. Some of these treatment methods also have anti-inflammatory properties to manage osteoarthritis (OA) or rheumatoid arthritis (RA). 

Before you start using these remedies for arthritis treatment, please make sure to check in with your doctor and ask them to weigh in. Although these methods may not have any negative effects, medical conditions differ from person to person. Therefore, it’s best to seek a professional opinion.

Now let’s learn some easy home remedies for arthritis pain and how to manage it!

8 Best Natural Remedies to Help with Arthritis

1. Consume Inflammation-Fighting Meals

Diet can have a significant impact on fighting any health condition, and arthritis treatment is no different. If you ditch junk food and processed food, it will improve the pain in your joints. A better way to improve your diet would be to indulge in inflammation-fighting foods like fresh fruits, whole grains, olive oil, nuts, and vegetables. 

A study was done on rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients supporting the consumption of inflammation-fighting foods. They switched to a Mediterranean diet and only consumed foods like fish, veggies, garlic, etc. They noticed a change with less inflammation and improved physical abilities.

2. Massage the Joints

Massage can decrease cortisol levels, boost serotonin, and help reduce pain caused by arthritis. It is one of the most effective natural remedies to help with arthritis. Massage is good for health, even for those who do not have this health condition, as it relaxes the muscles and relieves muscle tension. 

Moreover, research supports that an hour-long massage can lessen pain in knee osteoarthritis patients. Swedish massage along with regular osteoarthritis care for 8 weeks led to improved arthritis symptoms and pain relief. It also improved joint function in the patients. 

3. Use Aloe Vera as Alternative MedicineNutrition with Wellness

Aloe Vera is one of the best natural home remedies for arthritis in any given form. You can use it in the form of pills, or apply as a topical gel, or use it directly from the leaf. Aloe Vera can treat skin abrasions and contains healing properties to help with joint pain. 

Its anti-inflammatory nature and non-gastrointestinal effects make it a perfect alternative to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). You can use aloe vera pills to relieve your muscle pain, and in case you do not want to use oral medicine, you can also apply aloe vera gel to your skin.

4. Use Hot & Cold-Water Treatment

Another effective technique for arthritis treatment is to use the hot-cold method. You will need two containers of water–one with hot water and another with cold. You can decide the hot water temperature according to your preference, and for the cold water container, you’ll need to add ice cubes.

You can start by immersing your joints in cold water and then switch to hot water for 30 seconds. You can continue doing this for 15 minutes, and although it looks like a lot of trouble–don’t worry, it will all be worth it when the pain is gone. 

5. Practice Yoga

Yoga is a great way to stay flexible and enhance your range of motion, but it’s also one of the best natural remedies to help with arthritis. Yoga can help loosen the joints and improve your overall health by relieving arthritis symptoms.

All you need is a good yoga mat and a peaceful setting to take deep breaths and enjoy your yoga session. If you feel more comfortable doing yoga at home, you can start with a gentle yoga flow to not pressure your joints at first. However, do not start doing it on your own—ask your healthcare professional whether it’s safe for your condition or not. 

6. Eucalyptus for Arthritis Treatment

This plant has been a home remedy for many reasons, but did you know it can help with arthritis, too? Eucalyptus leaf extracts are beneficial for arthritis pain, and people often use the extract to relieve the stress in their joints. The leaves have tannins that reduce pain and swelling. If you are using the extract as one of the home remedies for arthritis, you should use a heating pad afterward to increase the effect.

You can also use eucalyptus in many different forms to reduce the symptoms of arthritis—eucalyptus aromatherapy or apply it as a topical gel. Before using the gel, though, make sure you are not allergic to it by doing a patch test.  

7. Ginger Food for ArthritisNatural Remedies to Help with Arthritis

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, which are supported by studies. In fact, people have been using ginger as a medicine for a long time. It has a strong flavor that adds a good aroma and taste to any food, but ginger can be used in many ways to help relieve arthritis symptoms.

While using ginger as one of the natural remedies to help with arthritis, you must ensure that the form you are using is actually effective. Some people find it more beneficial to drink ginger tea or use powdered ginger in baked stuff. Others prefer using ginger root pills to relieve the pain.

8. Improve Joint Health with Vitamin C

Vitamin C has many benefits for anyone’s overall health as it produces collagen. This property is important as it improves joint health in arthritis patients and removes any harmful radicals that damage joints. People who have high levels of vitamin C in their systems have lower risks of having joint problems.

The body does not store vitamin C, so you’ll have to spread its consumption throughout your day. You can take it in different forms including vitamin C pills, C-rich fruits like melon and strawberries, and vegetables like broccoli.


Arthritis pain can be unbearable for many people, but home remedies can help alleviate the stiffness, swelling, and pain. You can use some of these methods and a healthy diet and exercise routine to manage your health condition. 

These natural remedies to help with arthritis might not help overnight, so remember that consistency is key. If you need immediate pain management, you should consult with your healthcare professional to receive further guidance.  

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