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Do you wake up in the morning, wash your face, get dressed, and head out? Isn’t there something that you are forgetting? Oh yes, your car keys! But wait, there is still one more thing. And that is sunscreen!

Most adults skip this essential aspect of preparing their skin for the day ahead. From pollution, dust, and grime that settles onto your skin, combined with the damage from harmful UV rays, all are sure to add on a few years to your age.

If you have been prescribed sunscreen use every day by your dermatologist, but render it as something that can be missed out on, then you are making a grave mistake. Let’s dive a little deeper and understand why sunscreen use every day is important.

Importance of Sunscreen Use Everyday

Without sunscreen, your skincare routine is sure to be incomplete. Here are some of the reasons why sunscreen use every day is important.

Reduces Signs Of Premature Aging

If you wish to have skin that is ever young, soft, and supple, then sunscreen is your best friend. It does not only shield your skin but also prevents premature aging. Say goodbye to wrinkles, crow’s feet, and Botox!

Protects Your Skin Against Developing Skin Cancer

Sunscreen use every day has been proven to prevent the risks of developing skin cancer such as melanoma. This type of cancer can be life-threatening, so remember to apply sunscreen every day.

Helps Prevent Blood Vessels from Getting Damaged

With your blood vessels damaged from constant exposure to the sun. chances are your skin’s overall health can deteriorate. The sun’s rays can thin out blood vessels as well, leaving bruises and bleeding within the skin’s outermost layer.

Reduces The Development Of Sunspots

Sunspots or liver spots are a given with not using sunscreen. These sunspots can transform into hyperpigmentation and discoloration of the skin. And, sunspots are not just limited to your face, they include your arms, back, legs, and even your shoulders.

Prevents Your Skin From Sunburns

Harmful UV rays of the sun can damage the outer layer of your skin. Repeated sunburns can draw out the moisture, glow, and weaken the level of elasticity in your skin. You definitely don’t want this.

Type of Sunscreen of Your Skin TypeSunscreen on a Day to Day Basis

Picking the right sunscreen for your skin type can be challenging. Let’s have a look at some different kinds that sit well with different skin types.

For Oily Skin

For oily skin, gel-based sunscreens work best. They prevent your skin from producing excess sebum. In addition, try looking for a sunscreen that contains either of these ingredients.

  • Avobenzone
  • Octocrylene
  • Homosalate
  • Niacinamide or Vitamin B3
  • A mineral based sunscreen
  • Zinc oxide

For Dry & Sensitive Skin

If your skin is dry and prone to sunburns easily, then go for a high SPF sunscreen with moisturizing properties. Check labels for the following ingredients as well

  • Ceramides
  • Glycerin
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Pick Broad Spectrum SPF
  • Vitamin B

For Normal Skin

If your skin type is normal, then any type of sunscreen should work well. Pick one that is within your budget and whose formula is to your liking. You can even use tinted sunscreen to give your skin that added glow.

Tips To Get It Right

If you are someone who struggled with your skincare routine or have kids who try to find reasons to put anything on their face,Sunscreen on a Day to Day Basis then follow these few tips to make sure sunscreen use every day becomes a habit.

  • Pick the right sunscreen type for your skin.
  • Keep one in your bathroom, hand bag, and kids school bag at all times. If the use of it every day is forgotten as you head out the door, you can always apply it right away.
  • Choose a sunscreen that is SPF 30 or higher.
  • Avoid relying on the SPF present in your makeup. Using additional sunscreen before your makeup application is important.
  • Apply it on areas of your skin that are not covered by clothing. This includes your neck and arms as well.
  • Try not to rub the sunscreen on your face. Gently tap it on your skin till it gets absorbed.
  • It is recommended that sunscreen be reapplied every few hours, especially if you have sensitive skin that can easily get sunburnt.
  • For your face, the amount of sunscreen that is to be applied is equivalent to 1/4th of a teaspoon. This can also be measured by squeezing it along the lengths of two of your fingers.
  • Invest in a good quality sunscreen that contains zinc. This ingredient helps fight against harmful UVA and UVB rays effectively.
  • Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before heading outdoors.
  • Ensure extra protection by wearing a hat and sunglasses when outdoors or at the beach.

The Final Verdict

Sunscreen use every day is a vital component of self-care. This is what most people miss out on. Sunscreen use every day is not just limited to people of mature skin, but also young toddlers who love to play outdoors and in the sun. Starting early is important here, it can help preserve the elasticity of your skin, prevent sun spots, and help preserve the collagen levels in your skin’s natural barrier.

So, if you are not an avid sunscreen user, it’s time you jumped on the bandwagon. Find one that fits well with your skin type. Trust us, using sunscreen earnestly is sure to help your skin glow and stay hydrated at all times. You are sure to see an improvement in the texture and look of your skin within a few weeks.

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